I know that you all wait with 'bated breath to hear of my adventures along the Silk Road, but I am afraid that I will have to keep you in suspense for a while longer! I have a lot of stories to tell, and they will require multiple posts. I took nearly a thousand pictures, and a lot of them turned out well.
However, it isn't the sheer volume of information that delays my posting - it's my mid-term exam, which is FRIDAY. I'm terribly nervous because I had so little time to study on the trip. We were busy. Our plane arrived in Xi'an Monday night, and we had class on Tuesday. We learned new lessons on Tuesday and today, and tomorrow we review and have our oral tests, and Friday we have our massive mid-term. I'm not totally freaking out. You believe me, right? (You shouldn't believe me - I'm lying. I'm worried about it, and I'm going to spend a long time studying.)
Rest assured that my updates will arrive over the course of the weekend and that they will have action, adventure, perhaps a little horror, (no romance, sorry), and some small little anecdotes as well. I can't wait to share.
Until then, wish me luck!
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