Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I think I'm the farthest north I have ever been. The Arctic route will soon render that observation irrelevant, but for now, I'm someplace I've never been before, and that's a start.

My flight leaves for China at noon and starts boarding a bit after 11. I have some time to explore and eat, since my gate was two moving walkways away. I really like the O'Hare layout. And boy am I hungry.

Arriving in Chicago was impressive. The skyline looks amazing in person, as does the lake. It was a lovely decent.

I hope to be awake to see the Arctic Ocean, but I suspect that I will be sleeping quite a bit on the 14-hour flight.

I won't have use of this phone much longer. Wish me luck!

Monday, August 19, 2013

One Week Out

Vaccines are completed, visa is in the mail, luggage is partway packed.

I leave a week from tomorrow.

I'm in the midst of New Student Orientation at my school, where we help freshmen get acquainted to campus. I love this job and am sad that this year is my last, as I am a senior.

Studying abroad as a senior in a country where I don't know the language. Because I don't know the language. Now is definitely a time for growth and change.

I have hiking boots and long underwear and outdoorsy gear I've never had the excuse to need before. But with a mountain to climb, bikes to ride around city walls, and the Silk road to explore, I'm going to be outside a great deal on this adventure.

I have a friend from TU who went to Xi'an with the Alliance a few semesters ago. He said that the Xi'an program was for adventurous people. I hope so. As studious as I am (and intend to be), I must admit that I'm not going abroad simply for the academics. I want to see and smell and explore and push myself and meet new people.

As part of my cultural studies, I'm going to be undertaking a dance film series, which will occasionally be posted on or linked to here. The dances will include local settings, music, and movement as inspiration, shaped by my background and training. I can't wait to begin.

Expect a lot of pictures, reflections, and stories!
I'll be sure to tell you all when it finally sinks in that I'm going abroad.