Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Twenty-Five Days Remain

I love China.

I'm not sure when that happened. For the first month, I thought that I would never fit in. Thought that there was just so much Chinese to learn that I would never make progress. Thought that I wouldn't meet people and see the real China.

But at some point, I got through enough of the language barrier to function. To make friends. To learn how to walk through crowds and cross streets. I've built routines and made friends and found a place here.

Twenty-five days remain.

Part of me thought that I would be more regretful, approaching the end, but the homesickness has come back. Anyway, I've gotten so much out of the experience that there is little for me to regret. I've visited nine cities in four provinces, seen some amazing scenery and historical sites, and done a lot of crazy things.

I don't know what kind of restlessness I'm feeling. Maybe it's the restlessness of wanting to go home and see everyone I love. Maybe it's the restlessness of wanting to see as much of Xi'an - of China - as I can before I go. Maybe it's both.

My first post for this blog was written a very long time ago, back when the countdown was for departure, not return. A lot has changed since then. I think I've grown up a bit.

I don't quite know how I'm going to feel when I board in Beijing. I'll be fresh off of a day of fun with some of my Alliance friends. Some of whom will slip off to the airport in the middle of the night. I say "slip off" but I don't know how much we'll sleep. I hope that I'm tired on the plane.

I knew, objectively, that I was going to miss China. But now, I get it.


With tests and party coordinating and choreographing, I've been so busy since returning from Chengdu.

I'll be posting a lot to make up for it!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Food Cravings

I'm not partial to American food. When I was a baby, the first thing I ate was jiaozi, a kind of Chinese dumpling. I have trouble answering questions about "traditional American food" because hamburgers are German, pizza is Italian, and fries are from Belgium. Our versions of those foods are distinct, but the foods themselves are not American.

Chili and barbecue are the closest I can come to "American" foods.

Speaking of which...

I am craving both.

The cravings didn't hit until my 50th day in China, which feels like it was just yesterday. I was sitting in the airport in Urumqi talking about barbecue and nachos and I'm not sure what else.

I miss everything from quinoa (my staple food back in the States) to grilled cheese, which I rarely crave. Last night, we Alliance Xi'an girls had a night in together and got a little bit emotional over Pizza Rolls and Bagel Bites, neither of which I have had for years.

I'll be sick of American food within a week of getting back, and I'll miss Chinese food before I even leave the country. Real Chinese food. Things like this:

It's a Xi'an street food - a sandwich made on Zha Mo - fried Mo bread.

Pick what you want. Whatever you want. Give it to the nice couple. They will fry it for you. Then grill it. Cover it in spicy sauce if you so desire (and you do; who needs tastebuds?) and put it all on the bread with more spicy sauce.

There are four or five places right on Shi Da Lu, the street by my school.

There are also my favorite dumpling and noodle places. The Sichuanese food. Hot pot.

Now I'm thinking obsessively about what to get for dinner. Right now, I'm not longing for my mom's homemade soup or for macaroni and cheese. I just want something furiously spicy and distinctively Chinese.

Lesson to be learned here: Take cooking classes when you're in China. And have a kitchen while you're here.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Chengdu Sneak Peek...

I know that Part III of the Silk Road trip isn't up yet, but a lot has been happening. Including a trip to Chengdu! I'm not going to post much at the moment but here's a preview:

(It was a great trip for photography.)

Hot pot. Basically best thing ever.

The Leshan Buddha. I'm so insanely pleased with this picture.

Chengdu at night.

